
Art Prints


Purchase bohemian chic checks
Purchase Tree of Life 2 checks
Purchase Namaste Checks

Sue Zipkin website


  • Copyrights
    The artwork, text and photographs owned by Sue Zipkin contained throughout the pages of this blog may not be copied or reproduced without the express written permission of Sue Zipkin. Some of the photographs on this blog are owned by a third party and cannot be copied without their permission.
  • Sue Zipkin is not a manufacturer.
    I am an artist who licenses reproduction rights of my art to manufacturers who then produce the art on their products. All questions or concerns about the actual product and wholesale inquires need to be directed to those manufacturers.
  • Creating handmade items
    I encourage those creating handmade sewing projects from my fabric to sell on the web, craft shows and the like. I love handmade items. However, if you are a person planning to mass produce products using my designs (whether fabrics or incorporating any of my other artwork or products) that would require a license from me. Please contact me direct. Thanks, Sue Zipkin

« Celebrate and dance to the music... while you eat!!! | Main | Please pass the guacamole »

January 30, 2008
