This is it the moment I have been waiting for all of my life. An opportunity to share with the world what's been going on in my brain. Wait a minute that's not exactly what I meant to say however since I said it I will go with that.
The world of blogging has become so important in my design industry . I have been reading and viewing many exciting blogs. I am often most impressed with seeing such beautiful photography. I have also enjoyed reading about people and what they might be thinking and feeling. Some blogs seem to be very honest, almost too honest, meaning people share and vent everything that's going on in their worlds. The good the bad the ugly. I find that fascinating(not sure it is good)? ? . I guess you can call it reality blogging. Some blogs are very political and motivating. Some blogs are disorganized and confusing. Some blogs have convinced me that almost every one is an artist of some sort how they create and share with the world.
My blog is an experiment so please be patient and understand that you might at times be reading something that might not make any sense. For those of you who know me you have gotten used to my style of confusion when I write.
Now that I've given my commentary on blogging perhaps I should start with a post.
As I mentioned in my about page I have dyslexia. Dyslexia has been a challenge for me all of my life. Basically I type with two fingers and use spell check, then pray a lot that spellcheck gave me the right word. For those of you who have dyslexia you too might be faced with some of the challenges of mixing up words such as which, witch is which. There is also many other issues that people who have dyslexia deal with. Dyslexia is often very misunderstood as to what it really is and how it affects people. Actually it affects people in many different ways and there are different degrees that people deal with. As I am learning there are currently many other disabilities that perhaps people thought were dyslexia and are not. There are also several disabilities that people are coming up with new names for that it appears scientists know little about.
Currently I am working on a Mac. I have searched far and wide for a Mac program that enables me to dictate my words into a document. Through the years I have had little success for I found the mac folks got left behind with some not so accurate working programs. At this time I have been able to set up a program on my Mac that works through a virtual machine with Windows on it. Within that window I am able to use the program Dragon naturally speaking. However the best news yet for Mac users like myself is there will be a new program called MacSpeech Dictate. Soon I will be able to dictate directly into my Mac programs. I wonder if I will be able to dictate directly into the blog. If I am able to do that then I can really bore you all to tears.
So please be patient with me while I figure out what I would like to feature on my new blog. Thanks to my very good friend who is also an artist I have been able to get this blog set up and ready to go.